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Quick start

Get the latest version of fou4s from the download page and run the following steps.

RPM version:

rpm -Uvh fou4s-0.x.y-z.noarch.rpm
fou4s --server
# select ftp server (not necessary, default:
fou4s -u --checkfou4s # update patch descriptions and check for new fou4s
fou4s -e # check for updates, but no download/install (evaluation)
fou4s -i # download and install all available updates

tar.bz2 version:

tar --bzip2 -xvf fou4s-0.x.y.tar.bz2
cd fou4s-0.x.y
./fou4s --server
./fou4s -u --checkfou4s
./fou4s -e
./fou4s -i

Try as non-root first, if you are unsure what happens. If you use the RPM version, the user must have write permissions in /var/cache/fou4s/*. The last few versions install the group "fou4s" automatically (RPM install only) - just add the user to this group and s/he will have write permissions!

Further steps

Run fou4s --cronserver or fou4s --cronworkstation to install a cronjob suitable for server or workstation usage. From now on, fou4s will run every night, check for new updates and download them. Root is notified with an email, if new updates are found.